This student work is made to communicate the collective struggle and loss that is experienced during the isolation of the pandemic. But, despite all that we have lost and all that has changed, the resiliency of our communities remain rooted and evident.
These works are a student’s expression of this evidence.
The Good to See you Project By Andrew Garcia Location: Student Services/ Memorial Plaza
The human face is usually the first image a child sees and recognizes upon entering this world. Throughout this pandemic we have lost the ability to interpret emotions on people’s faces due to social distancing and use of masks. This project aims to bring back the recognizable faces and their expressive emotions to the SBCC campus.
This project is made possible by the support of the SBCC Facilities and SBCC Foundation.
Social Distance By Brenno Ressa Bent Steel Location: Friendship Plaza/Campus Center East
Coming together yet representing the distance that has come be between us.
Inside -in side in-‘sīd By Adriana Olvera Location: West Campus Stairs Merriam-Webster Definition • an interior or internal part or place: the part within • inward nature, thoughts, or feeling • an inner side or surface • a position of power, trust, or familiarity • confidential information • the area nearest a specified or implied point of reference inside -adverb • on the inner side • in or into the interior • in prison inside -adjective • of, relating to, or being on or near the inside • relating or known to a select group • behind – the scenes inside -preposition • in or into or as if in or into the interior of • on the inner side of • WITHIN
Special Presentation for Spring Forward! The Third Annual Gala Benefit for Santa Barbara City College Foundation
Dan Nimmo was born in England and raised in Big Sur, he trained with a master English furniture designer, his father. Nurtured in an artistic family, he sets a high standard for beauty, harmony of design, and long-lasting quality. He is a student and tutor in the Santa Barbara City College art department, additionally he runs and operates a local architectural metal fabrication workshop in Santa Barbara. His work bridges the divide between sculpture and function. He creates individual pieces with a simple, yet considered beauty.
The Redwood for these benches he milled from local reclaimed wood in Big Sur. These trees fell of natural causes and were milled up to keep our forests clean of dead combustible wood.
If you wish to purchase any of these benches please contact Atkinson Gallery Director John Connelly at [email protected] or +1-917-596-9341.
“Montecito” Big Sur Redwood & Waxed Steel 33” Wide x 138” Long x 15” Tall $10,000
“Riviera” Big Sur Redwood & Waxed Steel 20” Wide x 101” Long x 17” Tall $9000
“Hope Ranch” Waxed Hot Rolled Steel 17” Wide x 91” long x 17” Tall $8000
“Goleta” Big Sur Redwood & Waxed Steel 16” Wide x 79” Long x 57” Long in the other direction x 17” Tall $8000
“Ventura” Big Sur Redwood & Waxed Steel 34” Wide x 126” Long x 19.5” Tall $8000
“Noleta” Big Sur Redwood & Waxed Steel 22” Wide x 58” Long x 15” Tall $5000